Social media influence in art

 As we know how social media is one of the biggest and rapidly growing platform for all the emerging artists or other businesses to promote the work they do because social media has a large no. of users and it targets a mass audience.  The use of social media was part of many artists' daily life.  For a while, the social media had become a part of their working lives – this was illustrated by a research of some fifty video installations, sculptures, photographs and paintings of 35 young artists.

All of these plays are characterized by the fact that visual arts are already a location for the public: primarily on Instagram. It seems like the use of the good old platform is now a question of the past.

Photos flicker around a few screens, reminiscent of Aram Bartholl's "pace displays." By using computers for short exhibitions, the artist based in Berlin turned actual Internet cafés into galleries. The room installation of Bartholl represents the past of net art, which existed well before the internet was made accessible to a wide public.
However, the rise in social media significantly increased the number of visual art viewers — not least because today everyone seems to have a smartphone and Internet access. The icons of the internet age, along with its contemporary users, concentrate on the work of artists.


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