Art and spirituality - A Relationship

Art is a link, a connection with the sense of being ...... is a spiritual commitment to one's being alive and grateful!
It's still something better, superlative and creative — All the same, they're much bigger than oneself!
Art is embodied in spirituality, and spirituality is unspeakable in nature!
Spirituality is about fulfillment. This is an accumulation of everything that contributes to spiritual happiness. Art and all its facets are part and parcel of human development. Creativity is basically one of the facets of a chakra in the intricate structure of the human body. This chakra is called "Swadhishthan Chakra." It refers to the actual aortic plexus, which contains the creativity capacity. This chakra has the attributes of ... imagination, aesthetics, abstract thinking, pure willingness.

Kundalini Shakti is very recreational, creative and spontaneous in all his actions, when he awakens and starts this center in a individual. This center's subtle or casual energy is 'taste.' It's not just food taste; it's good taste in all facets of life. You don't have to be an artist, an artist or an artist; but you should appreciate and understand the significance and representation of art. Therefore, art is an essential spiritual dimension to be a full spirit personality.


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