
Showing posts from April, 2020

What is this contemporary art?

"Over time," literally, means "con-(temp)orary." Therefore 'modern art,' as a context for artistic activities which are considered to be part of time / history, has an etymological basis. This history became popular after WW 2 and was popular with cultural theories like postmodernism and post-structuralism during the 1980s. It is characterized by metonymic, ironic and social traditions centered in the late twentieth century and the early twenty-first century. The meaning of the word 'contemporary art' for the 21st century is being debated, and other terms such as 'temporary art' and 'alter-modernism' are being proposed.  In other words, we can say that Contemporary art is a debate within our culture that seeks constantly to create new revolution through added value and increased expression in our lives. In certain ways, it is a meme that shifts and teaches the culture continuously. It is a challenging challenge in this regard ...

Who initiated the Jewish religion- History of Judaism in brief

Judaism  was initiated by Moses.  The Jewish people only became the Jewish people officially when the received the Torah on Mount Sinai. God gave over the first 2 commandments of the 10 commandments (part of the revealed Torah) directly to the Jewish people, i.e, all 2-3 million people at Sinai directly heard God speaking to them, but their souls left their bodies each time from the spiritual 'shock', so they asked Moses to pass on the other commandments, so to speak, as they'd had enough of dying and then being revived. By the way as far as I know, Judaism is the only religion that God Himself introduced directly to 3 million people. Every other religion got started with one 'enlightened' individual having a personal revelation and then turning that into a creed.

personal and famiily rituals of jewish people related to judaica art

The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life is dominated by items that record the realm of personal and family traditions in the global Jewish Diaspora. These often small, lightweight artifacts were produced in various locations around the world and transported for generations by migrants. Although some families gave individual donations to the Judah L. Magnes Museum, a majority were selectively collected. For example, in 1967, The Magnes bought the Strauss set. Several elements of Jewish life are combined with personal and family ritual artifacts. Such aspects include the observance of Jewish rituals, kasheruth or diet laws (taharat ha-mishpachah) regulating the marital relationships, the celebration of the life cycle, which is marked by the ritual circumcision of males and celebrations of both sexes' religious maturity (bar and bat Mitzvah), marriage ceremonies, and the observance of Jewish family customs. The collection includes thousands of ritual artifacts from around the w...

What are some of the most impressive art collections in the world

Two extraordinary private collections that I know of have been turned into remarkable museums. One is the collection of Calouste Gulbenkian, an Armenian broker who made just a little bit of money from every single barrel of oil that Saudi Arabia ever sold for a very long time. And he collected  everything  of beauty at a level of excellence that is extraordinary. When WWII broke out, he decided that Lisbon, Portugal was a nice, safe place to sit out the war. He is now dead, and his collection of: Japanese enamels, silver of all kinds, cars, Lalique, paintings and sculpture from many ages,  art ,  Judaica , illustrated manuscripts, tapestries, Egyptian artifacts, and innumerable other spectacular other objets d’art are now there. They are in a long, low building called the  Calouste Gulbenkian Museum.  It’s not large, not pretentious. But it’s really something. Go if you ever get a chance. Here is one tiny area and you can kind of glimpse the variety...